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1:1 Counselling Session

1:1 Counselling

Counselling sessions are tailored to your unique goals and outcomes - therapy does not change you, it provides you with the tools and space to work towards positively changing yourself and elements of your life. 


What I offer


1-1 Counselling sessions

Regular couselling sessions of 50-minutes take place on a weekly basis (via GoogleMeet) and cost £60 per session. â€‹


A Selfcare Hour

Where coaching meets therapy. A single-session of counselling for 60-minutes. This could be suitable if you have limited availability or have something you need to get off your chest without judgement and cost £80 per session. 


I'm based in the UK and I work with clients all over the world; regrettably, I'm unable to work with clients based in the US or Canada. This is for licensing and insurance reasons. 



Contact me

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